Frequently Asked Questions
During an emergency, call 911. When you call 911, your call is routed to the closest Dispatch to your current location, which is essential when calling from a cell phone. The dispatcher will ask a series of questions, including your name, what your emergency is, and the address of the emergency (or cross streets, landmarks, etc.). The dispatcher will attempt to locate that location and contact the appropriate agency for a response. Any pertinent details related to the emergency will be passed on to the responding departments.
Please only call the Bergheim Volunteer Fire Department for NON-EMERGENCIES. This is a volunteer department, we usually do not have someone available to answer the phone, and nobody wants an answering machine in their time of need.
Bergheim Volunteer Fire Department does not have an ambulance. All Emergency Medical Services (EMS) countywide are provided by Kendall County Emergency Medical Services. However, Kendall County EMS does house Medic3 at Bergheim fire station. EMS has an entirely different command structure and is afforded space at BVFD to better serve and improve their response times to the Bergheim area vs. responding from their station in downtown Boerne.
Information on how the Knox Box rapid access system works and how to purchase one can be found at this link...
This is an abbreviated explanation of the system from Kendall County.
Kendall County Fire Departments and Kendall County EMS participate in the KNOX-BOX Rapid Entry System to prevent costly forced entry damage while protecting property and lives.
After installation is completed, the fire or EMS department will inspect the installation and ensure their key works in the lock installed at your home. All Knox Box stations in the county are keyed alike-and only the fire department or EMS department has master keys. Security has always been a Knox Co. strong point. Each virtually indestructible box is designed for maximum protection and features a unique high-security Medeco lock and key. The Medeco restricted locking system guards against unauthorized key duplication. Keys are not available to locksmiths or lock distributors-only The Knox Company can supply these keys.
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 4141
Boerne, TX 78004
Physical Address:
1 Old Curry Creek Rd,
Boerne, TX, 78006
© 2022 All Rights Reserved Bergheim VFD